Weekly Space for Writing

Tell me more.

The Write Time serves as protected space on the calendar for those who struggle to make time for writing. This is not a networking, workshopping, or editing session. There will be no introductions and no discussion. This is your time to write in community with others.

All writers are welcome. Whether you’re seasoned, brand new, or rusty (like me), you belong here.

Every week on Wednesdays from 9-10pm ET. No exceptions. You do not have to RSVP, and are accountable to no one but yourself.

Join this Zoom link. Every week there will be three writing prompts shared on the screen. Choose the one that speaks to you, or use the time to work on your own projects. Write.

I have been a writer all my life, but I have not produced any meaningful work since graduating from college. I’m now a mom and an executive, and am increasingly driven to reconnect with the parts of my that exist beyond parenthood and my work life. This format — no prep or follow up required — feels achievable in this season of life.


Join the Zoom.

9-10pm ET
Hop on. See the prompts. Write.

Follow us on Instagram.

Preview this week’s prompts & see (infrequent) announcements.